Train to Nancy Train station
Nancy’s train station is in the center of town. Trains from Paris (Gare de l’Est) take around 1h30 with the high-speed train (TGV). Trains from Luxembourg or Strasbourg take around 1h20.
Train to Lorraine TGV station
You can also arrive at the Lorraine TGV station, which is close to the Lorraine airport (37 km from Nancy): a shuttle bus will take you to downtown Nancy in around 40 minutes.
A bus shuttle is planned every day at the hours of arrival of the trains : 10:35, 12:15, 14;25, 17:00, 19:05, 20:35 and 21:56.
The price is 11€ and you can buy your ticket directly with the conductor of the bus.
You can check the hours and shuttle numbers here.
Please note that TGV reservations are required. From this station, you can reach Bordeaux in 4h30 or Lille in 2h30 without changing trains in Paris.
For further information and reservations, please visit the following websites:
• Trains:
• Ticket reservations (also valid for buses):
• Lorraine TGV shuttle booking:
• Air France:
• Lorraine airport:
• Nancy Tourisme :
Departure and arrival of the Lorraine TGV shuttle are at Nancy Saint Léon station. This shuttle is available on arrival and departure of major flights.
Shuttle to Lorraine TGV: